Friday, December 4, 2015

JDeveloper Integrated Weblogic - logging level doesn't change when value deleted

Environment / assumptions for this post:
  • JDeveloper 12.2.1
  • Integrated Weblogic server
  • Windows 7
In a nutshell: blanking out logging level in the Diagnostic Logging Congifuration doesn't work.

When working with the Integrated Weblogic server in JDeveloper, it is common to increase logging for a particular class or package when troubleshooting. Typically I would set a level of FINEST for something like oracle.jbo package (very useful to discover the SQL being generated by ViewObjects and their bind parameters).

After I finished my troubleshooting, I would decrease the logging level again. However, the logging continued even though I "blanked" it out. This used to work on 11g versions of JDev / Weblogic. With 12c, you must actually set it to something. So in my case I just set it to "INFO" and that did the trick.