Saturday, October 24, 2015

Setting up JDeveloper and Weblogic Integrated Server as 64 bit on Windows 7

Update: this applies to Windows 8/10 just as well, as well as JDeveloper 12c. As well, with JDK7 there is no permgen memory anymore.

I never really bothered with 64bit JDev and WLS, even though my work station is 64bit Windows 7, until we started deploying taskflows to WebCenter Portal. Just those extra few libraries and classes were causing memory shortages. I would boost the Heap, then run out of PermGen. I would then boost PermGen a bit and reduce Heap a little bit, still problems. The thing is, I was running into the 3Gb limit of 32 bit architecture. So, I decided to muss around and get the 64 bit JDev and WLS running. It was a perfect opportunity, since I had just gotten an upgraded machine with SSD.

First, do the following:
  • If you don't already have it, download and intall the 64 bit jdk appropriate for your work.
  • Download and unpack the 64 bit JDev. I like getting the "generic" version, since it doesn't come with a JDK so you can use the one you want. If you already have one or two JDev installs, that's ok you can always just stick it in a new Middleware Home. When you first run this, it will prompt you to supply the location of the java.exe you want to use. 

JDeveloper Settings

I installed in c:\Oracle\Middleware3.  So for heap, I changed this file:


with these settings (or something larger if desired!):

 AddVMOption  -Xmx1408M
 AddVMOption  -Xms1408M

And for PermGen, I changed (see note about Java 7 and above):


with these settings:

 AddVMOption  -XX:PermSize=384m
 AddVMOption  -XX:MaxPermSize=384m

Integrated Weblogic Settings

The WLS settings are stored under AppData. the subfolder starting with "system" will look like below, but the numbers will be different. The startWebLogic.cmd / file calls the setDomainEnv.cmd / file, which is the one you want here:


or on Linux type systems:


Note: the DefaultDomain folder won't even exist until you go through the "Create default domain" procedure in JDev.

And then change the heap and permgen (again, no permgen > Java 6) as you need:

set JAVA_VM=-client
set MEM_ARGS=-Xint -Xms512m -Xmx1536m -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
echo JAVA Memory arguments: %MEM_ARGS%