Environment / assumptions for this post:
- SQL Developer 4.x (likely goes back quite a ways)
I've been using SQL Developer for an embarassingly long time before I discovered this one. I did a quick poll of a few people around the office - two others knew about it and two others did not. I guess I should read the New Features of a version when it comes out. Anyway, the tip could be summarized as - Use the little pencil! If you are looking at some results of a query, click a cell and a pencil will appear.
SQL Developer query results - cliking the pencil allows you to view BLOB types |
You have a few options:
- External editor;
- Download;
- Internal viewer as Image or Text
SQL Developer - viewing a BLOB as Image or Text, internally or externally |
If it is a photo, you can look at it inline by clicking Image:
SQL Developer Internal viewer showing an image from a BLOB |
If it is a CLOB, or even, say, a Microsoft Word document, you can click Text:
SQL Developer Internal viewer showing a Microsoft Word docx file from a CLOB |